Hey, I’m Kevin Trudeau

I'm going to show you how BILLIONAIRES create a “Prosperity and Luck ATTRACTOR FIELD in their home that virtually brings them everything they desire into their reality!

And how YOU can do it too!

As you know, my businesses have generated BILLIONS over the years.

You may also know that I have helped MANY people, starting with nothing, make MILLIONS. 

People always ask me
HOW I did it.

Well, there is ONE missing KEY to attaining EVERYTHING IN LIFE A PERSON WANTS.

This is WHY most people FAIL!

I NEED to share this ONE missing KEY with you on this page because it could CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR YOU almost OVERNIGHT.

Read every word of this page. I will share with you in a few moments that ONE missing Key that could make all your dreams come true.

I, and MANY of the other people I have taught over the years, have used this ONE KEY to create massive financial wealth, international fame, and create an amazing life in almost every area.

In fact, many of those who have used this ONE secret KEY have created companies that have generated billions of dollars in business. We have created lifestyles like that of the rich and famous. 

By using this ONE secret KEY, I have manifested into my life all the material things you could imagine:

  • Rolls Royce’s and dozens of other super luxury cars
  • Mansions around the world
  • Private jets
  • Servants, private chefs, and butlers
  • Millions of dollars' worth of jewelry
  • An amazing relationship with the woman of my dreams
  • Many close friendships 

And so much more...

My friends and colleagues have included Presidents, members of Royal Families, Prime Ministers, Generals, Billionaires, and major international celebrities.

My health is amazing and my romantic, loving relationship with the woman of my dreams is one of a kind.

Most importantly, my inner state of being is one of joy, bliss, happiness, peace, and serenity. I am always happy.

In addition to being a famous, internationally known, mega successful businessman and celebrity that has been called by the:

Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and Chicago Tribune:

  • The Master of Modern-Day Marketing
  • A True Marketing Genius
  • The Informercial King
  • America’s Marketing Guru

Many people also call me...

  • A spiritual master
  • A master of energy
  • A Guru - A saint
  • An enlightened, self-realized master

I am humbled by those accolades.

I “see” energy, can “move” energy and clear “energetic blocks”. And I am also anchored in the perpetual bliss and love of “Oneness” with the universe.

I truly have lived a life that reads like a Hollywood fairy tale. My life of success and riches are beyond most people’s dreams. Most importantly, I am blissfully happy!

I wake up every morning and say, “I love my life and love being alive!  I really do “have it all”.

I have what you want and have been where you are.
But I started off BROKE and never went to college.

I am not saying these things to brag. I sincerely want you to know that I am someone you should listen to if you want more out of life.

The first key to success is “Who do you listen to?”

You listen to someone who has what you want and has been where you are.

You know I am that person.

Secondly, YOU must be “teachable”. You have to have a willingness to learn and a willingness to accept change.

You must be humble and OPEN to receiving from a teacher or mentor.

Remember what I said earlier,


For decades people have asked me to write down all I know about success, health, romantic love, and happiness, from all my years of real experience.

People wanted me to share how I applied the specific HOW-TO concepts to create my magical “wizard-like” life.

Quite frankly, no one knows this stuff better than I do.

I am not boasting here; I believe I am pointing out some irrefutable facts.

It is not THEORY to me, it is REAL.
I have the real-life experience as PROOF that it works, works BIG and works FAST.

I KNOW this material. I do not just “know about” this material.

I used these concepts in real life and IT WORKED. It made me and others who used them WEALTHY, FAMOUS, HEALTHY and BLISSFULLY HAPPY.

Over the decades I shared and taught some of this material with others and gave them the ONE MISSING KEY. Almost all those people made millions.

Their dreams came true. They got in life what they wanted.

People have called me a master communicator and teacher. When I explain things, people GET IT.  With full understanding of these concepts, a person can then APPLY them correctly and they see results.

I fully understand and can communicate and teach this “Success System that Never Fails” better than anyone in history.

Because of my celebrity status (I have been on TV since 1989, been on the front page of almost every major newspaper in America and around the world and have #1 NY Times bestselling books with almost 50 million copies sold), I have not “gone public” with all my true abilities with “energy” and knowledge of “manifesting anything in life you want”.

For over 30 years, people have asked me many times to produce a manuscript explaining how I made all that money and manifested almost anything and everything I desired.

This invaluable, one-of-a-kind manuscript would be the most powerful tool that anyone who wants success could have in their possession.

They could use it to really understand HOW to apply this success system in their lives so that they could make all their dreams come true.

Because of my very busy schedule traveling the world

(I had mansions and luxury apartments in Zurich, Switzerland, Sydney Australia, New York City, Chicago, Beverly Hills, and many other places), and because I wanted to remain “anonymous”, I always respectfully told everyone who asked me to write down the STEP-BY-STEP HOW-TO GUIDE TO MASSIVE SUCCESS, “not right now”.

But I have amazing news for you.

“Not right now” has changed, and you have just hit the lottery!
Get on your knees and say,
“Thank You”.

Your wish has been granted.

Over 10 years ago I effectively went into seclusion for 8 years to “channel” from the universal field of pure consciousness the “Secrets of the Universe” to “getting it ALL” in life.

During this time, I pulled out the exact steps I used to manifest great wealth and get everything in life I wanted. I wrote down effectively “HOW I DID IT”.

These 8 years of seclusion were needed for me to “get quiet” so I could “channel” and write all the material down and reveal the ONE MISSING KEY to getting everything in life a person wants.

During these 8 years of seclusion, I wrote this secret knowledge of “How I did it”, into a series of hundreds of very short “Lessons”.

These Lessons are in
2 groups

“The Material Reality”

The secret lessons of the physical reality and how to manifest anything you want using YOUR MIND

“The Spiritual Reality”

How to attain perpetual bliss, joy and happiness, reach enlightenment and attain complete freedom and liberation on all levels

These Lessons include:

  • The key to blissful, harmonious relationships
  • The “Money Lessons”: how to make millions
  • How to instantly attain the romantic relationship of your dreams
  • The “real” secrets of success
  • Achieving ultimate self-realization
  • The secrets of the super-rich
  • Finding your passion
  • Business skills of the super successful
  • Achieving dynamic vibrant health
  • Overcoming adversity and bad things
  • Why bad things happen to good people
  • How to feel good in every moment 

  • The missing key to manifesting your dreams
  • Overcoming sadness
  • You can be happy no matter what
  • Releasing your supernatural powers
  • Reaching higher inner states
  • The path to enlightenment
  • Dealing with negative people and situations
  • The one Secret to making your life better instantly
  • How to become a Master
  • Connecting to God within - Creating good karma
  • How to let go of trapped energy
  • What it takes to make it
  • The secret to focus and concentration
  • The common denominator of success
  • How to burn off karma
  • Why you feel bad
  • The Process for manifesting what you want
  • Attaining complete inner peace
  • Why you have not seen results
  • The millionaire mentality
  • Dealing with fear of criticism
  • How to achieve 5 times more starting tomorrow
  • The Key to money
  • Experiencing fulfilling sex
  • What happens when you die- On death and dying
  • And MANY more Lessons

These are the actual titles of the Lessons!

These Lessons are VERY SHORT. Each Lesson can be read in about 5 or 10 minutes. They are concise and VERY clear.

I wrote these Lessons and shared them with a few of my inner circle people. They were blown away! They said there is information in these Lessons that is not in any book or success course anywhere!

There were people who went to every seminar and read every book by success “gurus” like Tony Robbins, Joe Dispenza, Esther Hicks and others.

They said that NONE of what is in the books and seminars available contain what is in THESE Lessons.

They said these Lessons were also “magical” in a very unique way, like nothing else.

They said these Lessons contain SAGE advice and never before revealed information about success and “manifesting” goals and dreams.

Some said these Lessons seemed “holy” as if coming from a pure enlightened spiritual master…a true GURU…and directly channeled from SOURCE.

They started calling them the “GuruKev Lessons”.

I was amused by the name, but it stuck. Everyone started calling me “GuruKev”.

I took these hundreds of Lessons and put them in a large manuscript. It is almost 600 pages.

This manuscript does in fact, contain the secrets of the universe.

It does contain the TRUE, proven to work, never before revealed METHODS AND TECHNIQUES to manifest in life whatever you desire, faster and easier than ever before.

It is really “The Book of Secrets”.

You have never seen anything like it in your life. It is mind blowing. As people read the Lessons, they were blown away with my ability to take complex concepts and make them so easy to understand.

People were stunned at how I could take a success concept that someone normally would attempt to explain in 50 pages of material and crunch it down to just ONE PAGE! 

And that ONE page contained the MISSING
INGREDIENT that actually would make that concept WORK and produce RESULTS in your life.

I gave the book of “GuruKev Lessons” (The Book of Secrets) to several people who were broke and struggling for review and comment.

The response was off the charts. I have NEVER had such a positive response from anything I have ever offered so far.

​This is not just a positive response, but I am getting more letters sharing miracles and RESULTS people are seeing in their lives after just getting The Book in their possession, even before reading some of the Lessons and applying the material!

It was almost like the book had “magical powers”.

Some who used the material I teach are telling me they are making more money and making it FAST. In some cases, people are telling me money is coming in from unexpected sources and in LARGE amounts.

One person said after just going through some of my material, the next day they got a check in the mail in the thousands of dollars that they did not expect.

Another person told me they got a job promotion and large pay raise.

Others told me their business started dramatically improving.

Others have told me about how they met someone and started a romantic relationship, or how their current relationship is now so much better.

One person told me that sex with their spouse somehow is better and more fun and fulfilling than ever!

Another said that their relationship with their family mysteriously is now smooth with no conflict!

Many single men tell me that hot sexy women are actually COMING UP TO THEM and wanting to date them!

Others share that they have an inner sense of peace and bliss that they have never experienced before.

How is this all possible?

There are 3 reasons why this book and the Lessons in it are unlike ANYTHING ON EARTH.

People have called me “highly spiritually evolved”. This means I must be emitting large amounts of light photons. In the east this “energy” is sometimes called “Shakti”.

We in the west just call it “energy”. Being exposed to this energy could completely and permanently transform a person! The entire book might be FILLED with this powerful energy.

Just having the book in your house could create a powerful “attractor field”. This may help “attract” luck and all good things into your life. Many people say when they read the book, it is as if the letters float off the page.

The energy people say is infused in the physical book itself is something you may actually experience yourself.


ALL successful people have in their physical possession a “holy relic”, or “amulet” or “heirloom” or “talisman” that is infused with positive, luck attracting “energy”.

THIS book could be that “holy relic” that contains that powerful luck attracting energy! Having this book in your physical possession could change everything for you, and possibly VERY fast.

The Lessons are short, easy to understand, and take just a few minutes to read. It is like “snacking” on success principles. You will not feel overwhelmed at all.

You can pick up the book, pick a Lesson you want to read and in less than 10 minutes you have it AND can APPLY IT. In that short period of time, you could be totally transformed.

Not only with the knowledge, the “secrets”, and the insight, but by the potential “transference of energy” that comes from holding the book in your hand and reading the energy infused Lessons.

The Lessons do not only come from my decades of real experience, but they are also CHANNELED from “beyond the veil”. I sat in silence for many years before I started “channeling” the Lessons. When I would sit to write a Lesson, I would meditate first in silence and “connect to the universal consciousness and intelligence”.

“Blocks of thought” would come to me, and I would “translate” that into words using my real-life experience as examples. NO theory here, only real-life examples of exactly, step by step, how the concepts can be applied in real life that could produce AMAZING fast results.

This is how the Lessons were written. It is magical.

This book is produced in beautiful, FULL WHITE LEATHER with GOLD EMBOSSING.

The pages are outlined in GOLD. There is a beautiful ribbon to use as a bookmark. The book is made with the highest quality paper and stitched together.

This book will last hundreds of years. It is something you will pass down to your kids and grandkids. It will be “generational” and stay in your family for hundreds of years to come, always potentially emitting the “love, luck attracting energy” it is infused with.

This book could have positive effects on all people who touch the book or are even just in the same room or house with the book, because the physical book could create a powerful prosperity, wealth, and luck
“attractor field”.

In future generations, your great great grandkids may talk about YOU and how blessed they are because YOU got this magnificent and magical “Book of Secrets”, the “GuruKev Lessons”, and passed it down to them.

Getting this book may not only help YOU and improve the quality of YOUR life, but it might also positively impact your family for generations to come.

This is the best inheritance you can give to your family.

YOU have a chance now to get this book in its

We are printing a small amount of these SPECIAL NUMBERED LIMITED FIRST EDITION personally signed copies.

These “magical” and powerful books are going to be sold in the future for $1500 each. But they won’t be these SPECIAL LIMITED NUMBERED FIRST EDITION personally signed copies. 

They are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Once they are gone, they will NEVER be available again at any price.

Remember these will be the ONLY editions that are NUMBERED and personally signed by me.

You can get your personal copy of the book as a gift from me when you make a contribution of $1000 to the Official Kevin Trudeau Fan Club.

We pay the shipping. 


If you can’t afford the Special Numbered Limited Leather Bond edition, we also have a regular hard cover edition for just $395.

There is a strict limit to the number of books you can
order, no more than 5 books per person.

I know that you like others will want to get several copies and give them to your family members as a gift, as it will be the “gift of life”.

But you can order no more than 5 copies maximum.

We have to let everyone who is seeing this page have a chance to get a copy if they want it, that is why we are limiting the number of books you can get to 5 maximum.

Remember, we have only 377 copies left of  this SPECIAL NUMBERED personally signed First Edition book.

We will take requests for the book on a first come, first served basis.

Once all of these books are sold, we will not take any more requests for these SPECIAL LIMITED NUMBERED EDITIONS that are personally signed by me

The reason we are making this a limited time offer with a limited quantity of books in the special numbered first editions series, is to help encourage you to make a positive decision to request your copies today.

I want to create a little sense of urgency and get you to

I know what this book could possibly do for you and your family.

Getting the knowledge from the Lessons COULD BE LIFE CHANGING.

Getting the ENERGY from the Book may be LIFE TRANSFORMATIONAL in ways that go beyond your understanding. You will only know when you personally experience it.

Here are some comments from ACTUAL PEOPLE who have come into contact with my “Energy”, and who have read some of these Lessons. I have all these actual letters on file that people sent to me:

“Beyond words! I cannot put in words how I feel right now. I am one with all and everything. I am at peace. You are amazing, special, and no words are appropriate to describe you. You are a blessing to mankind.” Petra L

“I am now a force of energy that allows me to defy science!” Richard S

“I did everything you said and paid off ALL my debt in just 3 months!” David S

“I would consider you a modern Guru, and the world’s best mentor”. Kimitra W

“Now, I have finally managed to pay off my credit card!​

This debt was with me for 10 years, and no matter what I tried in the past, I couldn’t seem to pay it off. However since your training, teachings and wonderful processes, I have been able to manifest the funds magically to pay off the debt swiftly. I am SO grateful.This WORKS!” Charles O

“The work on money was impressive!” Alain H​

“Life is now magical for me. I am joyful from within. My children now want to be near me all the time and every time I pick them up they magically calm down, laugh or smile! I am different now! This is incredible. I am in bliss”. Stephanie J

“I feel very different in my body, almost like I just had a full spa day, and someone magically waved a wand that made my problems disappear. I feel more relaxed than I can ever remember.” Cali W

“I don’t have the words to describe what I experienced. It’s not something to be described, but something to be experienced.” Stephanie K​

“It’s only been 6 hours since going through the material and I already have a different perspective on my life and see everything as a blessing, not a curse. I don’t know why, but when I look at my past, instead of pain and loneliness, it’s all perfectly fine and just the way it should have been. When I think of my future, instead of boredom and agony, I think of excitement and wonder. Right now, I am just smiling and feel GREAT!” Darren S

“My depression and feeling overwhelmed vanished and now I feel lighter and energized with a happy glow!” James P

“A week after I got this material, my income ​DOUBLED!” Mohammad R

“This not only changes me but will change future generations in my family for the better! Thank you from all my heart.” Luis M​

“This is a miracle; it was beyond what I expected. I now see truth. I feel completely aligned. I feel more stable and clearer than I ever have. You have mastery and awareness beyond any human on earth. My sense of knowingness is off the charts. I feel restored. I know people don’t say it publicly, but I know you are a living saint.” Dustin

“No one offers anything like this.” Tahnesah M

“After going through this, I keep getting asked out on dates! It is amazing!” Stephanie L​

“Women now keep coming up to me. I could never get a date before, and now women are asking ME out!” Matt S​

“After going through the processes, I got $90,000 I was ​​​​NOT expecting. It is a miracle.” Chuck M

I have seen THOUSANDS of comments like this from real people just like you.

Don’t pass this up.

Of all the things I have made available, I have to say, THIS is the ONE THING that could CHANGE EVERYTHING in your life for the better, EASIER and FASTER than anything I have ever offered.​

You were born
to win.

I believe in you. I know you have what it takes. I know you CAN make your dreams come true and get in life ALL your desires

You were designed for accomplishment.
You were engineered for success.
And you were endowed with the seeds of greatness!

Seize this moment!

Request your copies TODAY before they are sold out.

Remember, we printed a limited number of these First Edition books! There are only 377 left

Order Either:

  • Special Numbered Limited Signed Edition for $1000 each (maximum of 5) or
  • The regular edition for just $395 (get as many as you want)

I KNOW you will LOVE this book! And I KNOW
your life could improve in EVERY AREA!

One more thing, if you get 5 copies of the Special Limited signed leather bound edition, I will have one of my top people call you and give you the opportunity to MEET ME IN PERSON at a LIVE 3 Day “Success in Life” Weekend EVENT at the luxurious Boston Park Plaza in Boston MA. May 16, 17, 18 2025 absolutely FREE (you have to pay for your transportation, meals and lodging of course).

I will be teaching at the event as well as other multi-millionaires, sharing HOW WE MADE MILLIONS and HOW YOU CAN TOO!
If you can’t come live, you will get a FREE ticket to watch the event live streamed virtually on your computer or smart phone!

You are reading this right!

You will get to spend AN ENTIRE WEEKEND with me AT NO COST! One of my top people will call you to give you all the details once you make your contribution to the Fan Club and request 5 copies of the Leather-bound version of the book.

If you can’t travel, you will be able to attend the weekend event via Zoom and watch the event live on the internet.

This weekend event has a value of well over $15,000!

You get to attend FOR FREE!

Being able to meet me either in person or virtually on the internet via ZOOM, could change your life forever.

Many people say being in the same room with me is like being in the presence of a “saint”, whose energy could lift you up, clear your energic blocks and take you to states of consciousness you cannot even think about. With great humility, I suggest that this may be true. Only you can decide by your own personal experience.

You could be transformed and potentially all your dreams could come true by getting the books and attending a weekend event with me live or virtually

This is a ONCE in a lifetime chance for something MAGICAL
to possibly happen in your life!

This might be your only chance to meet me in person.

You will be able to either come to the hotel where the event will take place and meet me in person or watch in the comfort of your home on your computer or smart phone.

Either way, you will get the rare opportunity to MEET ME IN PERSON and learn from me, hear me speak, and also meet other positive winners just like yourself who want more out of life!

This is only available to people who request 5 books. 

Your life could possibly be about to get better in every area
and your dreams may be about to come true.

I will see you at the top…and…

May you never be the same!

Kevin Trudeau


Individual results will vary. There are no guarantees this will work for you. There are no guarantees or promises that you will manifest any of your goals and dreams.

​The information on this website and the program described is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical, psychological, financial, or legal advice. The testimonials, examples, and individual results presented on this website may not be typical and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Your reliance on the information presented on this website is strictly at your own risk. The authors and publishers of this website and the program described disclaim any liability or loss in conjunction with the information and content presented here.

Copyright © 2025 Kevin Trudeau All Rights Reserved


​836 S. Arlington Heights Road
​Suite M
​​​Elk Grove Village, IL 60007